e.i.b.: Tracking Your Cycle of Connectedness
and witnessing the contrasts, whether subtle or stark.
I invite you to track something this week: the ebb and flow of your sense of connectedness.
Do you have some sort of cycle of connectedness?
I notice my feelings and sense of connectedness are quite aligned with my menstrual cycle (which is an infradian rhythm with a 28-day-ish cycle) but that very well might not be the case for you, given your sex, your age, or it just might not be an alignment for you.
Are there certain points in the day when you are eager to connect?
Are there certain days during the week that you would rather be by yourself (either intentionally connecting with yourself or zoning out, both needed)?
What about certain times when you want to connect in a specific way or with a specific being?
There are infinite ways of connecting and infinite beings with whom to connect. What I’m inquiring about right now is if you have some sort of cycle, pattern, rhythm to your sense of connectedness.
Perhaps it matches with another cycle such as the circadian rhythm with 24 hours in a day, the infradian rhythm of 28-days, or your work day or week.
Perhaps you’d like to to witness your sense of connectedness through the day today or the remainder of the week?
You could informally do this, of course, just remembering to witness your sense of connectedness when the thought comes to you or you could put a reminder in your phone at certain intervals throughout the day or the week with a little “How does my sense of connectedness seem right now?” question.
If you’d like to share your findings, leave a comment or reply to this emailed post. I’d be curious to hear!
Til tomorrow,